My DVD Daily review today is "Trouble With The Curve," the newest Clint Eastwood film. The film revolves around Gus (Eastwood) an aging scout for the Atlanta Braves. Before heading out to scout the player everyone believes will be the next big star in Major League Baseball, Gus discovers that his sight is starting to diminish and his friend Pete (John Goodman) is worried about him heading off on his own. Pete takes it upon himself to contact Gus' daughter Mickey (Amy Adams) to go out on the road with her father. Mickey and Gus' relationship has never been considered a good one and Mickey blames her father for not being around while she was growing up. As they head out on this scouting trip, they meet up with Johnny (Justin Timberlake) a young man who was scouted by Gus and is now a scout for the Boston Red Sox. As the trip continues Mickey and Johnny begin a growing friendship, while Mickey sets out to heal the fracture in her and her father's relationship. This is a story about family and finding your spot in life.
I was very excited to see this film as I have enjoyed most of Eastwood's more recent films. After watching this, I can say I enjoyed it, but not as much as I had hoped. While the story did give me that feel good feeling I was looking for, it all felt a little predictable. Eastwood once again takes up the mantle of portarying a grumpy older man, who is going through life by himself. While I enjoy Eastwood and he plays this part so well, it is pretty much the same role I saw in "Million Dollar Baby" and "Gran Torino." Amy Adams puts forth a good performance, probably the best performance in the film. Timberlake, however, just has not grown on me as an actor. He feels a bit too forced when the emotional scenes come on. Now while it might sound as if I did not like this film, that is not entirely true, while it suffered from many downfalls it still kept my attention and entertained me. I guess that is the important thing. If you enjoy Eastwood's other more recent films check this one out. Just don't expect an Oscar worthy film.
I give this 3 out of 5 broken bats:
Check out the trailer below:
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